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Sunday, February 14, 2010

Employee Induction

Induction is a systematic process of familiarizing the new recruits to the organization functioning so that they become productive in the least possible time. Induction is the tool to orient the new recruits to various aspects of the organization and his /her job. The aim of the induction process is to help new employees make a smooth, positive adjustment to the workplace. Induction enables the new employee to gain familiarity with the work environment and to acquire a sense of belonging that will build a commitment to the organization. Recruitment is an expensive business. It takes time, money and effort to find the right people to join your team. What a pity it would be to jeopardize this by forgetting the importance of treating a new employee really well on joining you. Induction is the process, formal or informal that introduces newcomers to your organisation. Ideally it should take place as soon as possible after the new member has arrived. An effective induction process shortens the time it takes to get the new recruit up to speed. An induction process is not simply for new employees. The same benefits can be received by staff who have been promoted or transferred or those who have returned from a long period of absence. Furthermore you should be careful to include against long term temporary staff, who are entitled to the same training and development as permanent staff members. To not do so could harm your organisation and may be considered discriminatory. proper induction will give both the employees and the organisation the following benefits:

* Quickly assimilate the workplace culture, as well as
* Their knowledge of the products/services provided by the organisation and the systems in place. This in turn
* boosts confidence and improves
* work quality and productivity, as well as helping to
* reduce incidences of early leaving, which can be extremely costly to the organisation.
* As induction involves other staff other than the inductee, the process can also be useful in developing the skills of existing staff. As well as these benefits induction can ensure that
* Health and safety rules are properly disseminated to all staff and a good induction will help with an
* Investment in People application.

A successful induction process has three Goals -
* Helps new employees settle in;
* Helps new employees understand their responsibilities and what is expected of them;
* Ensures the employer receives the benefit of the new employee as quickly as possible.

An induction process should have three themes running through it. It should be;
* Flexible and interesting;
* Employee centered;
* Meets equal opportunities requirements.

Objectives of induction
Despite its particular term, induction is simply another part of the training process that organisations invest in their staff. Like any form of training it should have the objective of developing the relevant skills, knowledge and behaviour of employees that their posts require. Such training should be SMART (Specific, Measurable, Action orientated, Relevant, Time bound).

Training is the teaching of vocational or practical and relates to specific useful skills. It forms the core of apprenticeships and provides the backbone of content at technical colleges or polytechnics. Today it is often referred to as professional development. Training is the process of making proficient through instruction and hands-on practice in the operation of equipment, including respiratory protection equipment, that is expected to be used and in the performance of assigned duties. Training is the systematic development of attitudes, knowledge and skills, behaviors pattern required by an individual in order to perform adequately a given task or job between actual and required human performance at work forms the basis of the need.

Difference between training and education
Formal education is usually thought of studies done in schools. The students range from the very youngest through college to those in adult education. There is also informal education or self-study, where adults read books, listen to tapes and learn through other media. Observing life itself is a form of education. The objective of classes or of self-education is usually to gain knowledge about facts, events, principles, concepts, and such. In some classes the student is required to demonstrate the memorization of facts and the association between concepts. In other classes, they must apply rules to solve problems. Testing concerns memorization and understanding, plus perhaps analytic and problem solving skills. On the other hand, formal training is usually concerned with gaining a skill. Training is done in trade schools, seminars, and business training classes. Learners of training are usually adults, although there are some classes to teach youngsters certain skills. Informal training is usually done through reading, viewing or listening to how-to material. Sometimes that material is then used as a guide, while the person applies the skills learned. For example, you may refer to a how-to book when trying to fix your plumbing at home. Verification of skills is best achieved by actually doing something in the real world. Sometimes tests given in trade schools check for knowledge, as opposed to skill. Often in corporate training sessions and in seminars, there is no verification that the learner had achieved the desired skills. Education is for the rounding-out of the individual and the good of society; it is general, provides background, and increases understanding Training is for the good of (in the case of TWI) production - it is a way to solve production problems through people; it is specific and helps people to acquire skill through use of what they have learned

In conclusion
Education concerns remembering facts and understanding concepts. It is usually taught in school, although self-study is possible. Training concerns gaining skills and taught either in trade schools or business training sessions.


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