Welfare means improving, faring or doing well. It is a comprehensive term, and refers to the physical, mental, moral and emotional well-being of an individual. Further, the term welfare is a relative concept, relative in time and space. It therefore, varies from time to time, region to region and from country to country.
Labour welfare is an important aspect in every organization with some added incentives which enable the workers to lead a decent life. There are several agencies involved in the labour welfare work namely the central government, employer’s trade union and other social service organization. Welfare services may broadly be classified into two categories:-
1) Intramural
2) Extramural
In order to get the best out of a worker in the matter of production, working condition is required to be improved to large extent. The work place should provide reasonable amenities for the worker’s essential need.
Today various medical services like hospital, clinical and dispensary facilities are provided by organizations not only to the employees but also to their family members. Normally welfare and recreational benefits includes canteens, housing, transportation, education etc.
Some large organizations set up welfare organizations with a view to provide all types of welfare facilities at one centre and appointed welfare benefits continuously and effectively to all employees fairly.
W.C.L. Nagpur area has recognized that welfare of employees by improving their quality of life and their family’s well being in general will help thrust to the objectives of W.C.L. directly and indirectly thereby increasing and improving production and productivity. This task is carried on ceaselessly by involving employees, workers, representatives and management representative.
W.C.L. is spending lots of money on the employee welfare. Welfare facilities provided by this organization are unique for all the employees. The only difference is that the top level officers receive some additional facilities along with routine one.
With the help of the project an attempt is made to study the welfare measures provided to employees, what is the procedure, time required for sanctioning welfare facilities and such other basic policies of the organization.
The study is based on the information collected from respondents through questionnaire. The data analyzed is presented in the form of graph and on the basis of that conclusions are made. At last the required suggestions are given.
After analyzing the data it is found that the employees are satisfied with the welfare facilities provided to them by the area office W.C.L.
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Welfare means improving, faring or doing well. It is a comprehensive term, and refers to the physical, mental, moral and emotional well-being of an individual. Further, the term welfare is a relative concept, relative in time and space. It therefore, varies from time to time, region to region and from country to country.
Labour welfare is an important aspect in every organization with some added incentives which enable the workers to lead a decent life. There are several agencies involved in the labour welfare work namely the central government, employer’s trade union and other social service organization. Welfare services may broadly be classified into two categories:-
1) Intramural
2) Extramural
In order to get the best out of a worker in the matter of production, working condition is required to be improved to large extent. The work place should provide reasonable amenities for the worker’s essential need.
Today various medical services like hospital, clinical and dispensary facilities are provided by organizations not only to the employees but also to their family members. Normally welfare and recreational benefits includes canteens, housing, transportation, education etc.
Some large organizations set up welfare organizations with a view to provide all types of welfare facilities at one centre and appointed welfare benefits continuously and effectively to all employees fairly.
W.C.L. Nagpur area has recognized that welfare of employees by improving their quality of life and their family’s well being in general will help thrust to the objectives of W.C.L. directly and indirectly thereby increasing and improving production and productivity. This task is carried on ceaselessly by involving employees, workers, representatives and management representative.
W.C.L. is spending lots of money on the employee welfare. Welfare facilities provided by this organization are unique for all the employees. The only difference is that the top level officers receive some additional facilities along with routine one.
With the help of the project an attempt is made to study the welfare measures provided to employees, what is the procedure, time required for sanctioning welfare facilities and such other basic policies of the organization.
The study is based on the information collected from respondents through questionnaire. The data analyzed is presented in the form of graph and on the basis of that conclusions are made. At last the required suggestions are given.
After analyzing the data it is found that the employees are satisfied with the welfare facilities provided to them by the area office W.C.L.
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