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Tuesday, December 27, 2011


The following are the needs to do the research at CAG Pride.
1. There is no such research work was carried before.
2. The management was in the position to know whether the existing performance appraisal system is effective or not.
3. To measure the satisfaction level of the employees.
4. To get suggestions from the employees for further improvement in existing performance appraisal system.
5. To contribute to the growth of the organization.

Measuring the effectiveness of the existing performance appraisal system.

1. Suggest the ways and means to improve the effectiveness of the existing Performance appraisal system.

2. To measure the subjectivity and objectivity, which influence the existing
Performance appraisal system and remove the subjectivity and increase the objectivity.

1. The respondent attitude did not allow me to get their true feelings.
2. Most of the respondent feared to give their name.
3. Most of the employees were busy with their tight work and they don’t want to be disturbed.
4. Employees are very limited and duration is limited.

A research design is the arrangement of conditions for collection and analysis of data in a manner that aims to combine relevance to the research purpose with economy in procedure.

There are three types of research designs. They are,
=> Exploratory research design.
=> Conclusive research design.
=> Descriptive research design.
=> Casual research design.
=> Performance monitoring research.

The research design that is been applied is Performance Monitoring research design. The performance of the employee is monitored based on the strategy of the organization and this research helps us to learn how this strategy is working.

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Grievance Redressal Procedure Project Report

Grievance redressal procedure:
In view of C.B. memoria , “A grievance procedure is essential because if brings uniformity in the handing of grievances”. Which grievance are settled generally to the satisfaction of the trade union (or) employees and the management.
Stages in grievance handling system scheme of grievance redressal for staff and officers in saffron micro system:
Type of grievances: grievances arising out of acrs, promotions, issues concerning more than one employee, grievance arising out of discharge or dismissal of an employee or grievance arising out of disciplinary action.


=> Should be communicated to immediate supervisor orally who in turn should reply within one week
=> The grievance should be sent through personnel executive to department head; PE should record his comments and sent it to the department head within three days.

The departmental head has to decide the issue within seven working days or refer the grievance to the unit grievance redressal committee.

The grievance redresaal committee constituted by unit management should be processed within one month and the recommendations sent to the head of the division/unit for a decision.

The head of the division/unit well be conveyed within 10 days and well be final.


=> In exceptional cases with the concurrence of the grievances redressal committee/head of division/unit the aggrieved employee who is not satisfied with the decision of the head of the unit well have the option to appeal to the director.

=> Appeals thus received well be processed by the corporate grievance committee who in turn well submit its recommendations to the director (personnal) within a period of one month. The decision of the DP well be conveyed in 15 days, which will be final and binding.

SCCL has formulated a Grievance Redressal Mechanism for its employees, advising the officers from time to time to put in their best efforts, to examine the grievances submitted by the workmen in a better manner at different stages and redress the grievances expeditiously. The genuine grievances of the workmen are attended to by the managerial personnel in a well established manner and this procedure i.e. Grievance Redresseal Procedure is followed at 3 levels for prompt action.

=> To know whether the employees are satisfied through the grievance redressal procedure in saffron micro system.
=> Problem faced by the employee.
=> To know whether the employees grievance arises towards welfare measures.
=> To study on effectiveness of grievance handling system of saffron micro system.
=> To analyse the impact of decision taken by the management.

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