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Tuesday, December 27, 2011


The following are the needs to do the research at CAG Pride.
1. There is no such research work was carried before.
2. The management was in the position to know whether the existing performance appraisal system is effective or not.
3. To measure the satisfaction level of the employees.
4. To get suggestions from the employees for further improvement in existing performance appraisal system.
5. To contribute to the growth of the organization.

Measuring the effectiveness of the existing performance appraisal system.

1. Suggest the ways and means to improve the effectiveness of the existing Performance appraisal system.

2. To measure the subjectivity and objectivity, which influence the existing
Performance appraisal system and remove the subjectivity and increase the objectivity.

1. The respondent attitude did not allow me to get their true feelings.
2. Most of the respondent feared to give their name.
3. Most of the employees were busy with their tight work and they don’t want to be disturbed.
4. Employees are very limited and duration is limited.

A research design is the arrangement of conditions for collection and analysis of data in a manner that aims to combine relevance to the research purpose with economy in procedure.

There are three types of research designs. They are,
=> Exploratory research design.
=> Conclusive research design.
=> Descriptive research design.
=> Casual research design.
=> Performance monitoring research.

The research design that is been applied is Performance Monitoring research design. The performance of the employee is monitored based on the strategy of the organization and this research helps us to learn how this strategy is working.

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Grievance Redressal Procedure Project Report

Grievance redressal procedure:
In view of C.B. memoria , “A grievance procedure is essential because if brings uniformity in the handing of grievances”. Which grievance are settled generally to the satisfaction of the trade union (or) employees and the management.
Stages in grievance handling system scheme of grievance redressal for staff and officers in saffron micro system:
Type of grievances: grievances arising out of acrs, promotions, issues concerning more than one employee, grievance arising out of discharge or dismissal of an employee or grievance arising out of disciplinary action.


=> Should be communicated to immediate supervisor orally who in turn should reply within one week
=> The grievance should be sent through personnel executive to department head; PE should record his comments and sent it to the department head within three days.

The departmental head has to decide the issue within seven working days or refer the grievance to the unit grievance redressal committee.

The grievance redresaal committee constituted by unit management should be processed within one month and the recommendations sent to the head of the division/unit for a decision.

The head of the division/unit well be conveyed within 10 days and well be final.


=> In exceptional cases with the concurrence of the grievances redressal committee/head of division/unit the aggrieved employee who is not satisfied with the decision of the head of the unit well have the option to appeal to the director.

=> Appeals thus received well be processed by the corporate grievance committee who in turn well submit its recommendations to the director (personnal) within a period of one month. The decision of the DP well be conveyed in 15 days, which will be final and binding.

SCCL has formulated a Grievance Redressal Mechanism for its employees, advising the officers from time to time to put in their best efforts, to examine the grievances submitted by the workmen in a better manner at different stages and redress the grievances expeditiously. The genuine grievances of the workmen are attended to by the managerial personnel in a well established manner and this procedure i.e. Grievance Redresseal Procedure is followed at 3 levels for prompt action.

=> To know whether the employees are satisfied through the grievance redressal procedure in saffron micro system.
=> Problem faced by the employee.
=> To know whether the employees grievance arises towards welfare measures.
=> To study on effectiveness of grievance handling system of saffron micro system.
=> To analyse the impact of decision taken by the management.

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Saturday, November 12, 2011

Women Entrepreneurship With Special Reference to Small Scale Industries - Project Report

Business environment for women entrepreneurs in small scale industries
It is estimated that women entrepreneurs presently comprise about 10% of the total number of entrepreneurs in India, with the percentage growing every year. If the prevailing trends continue, it is likely that in another five years, women will comprise 20% of the entrepreneurial force. With corporates eager to associate and work with women-owned businesses, and a host of banks and non-governmental organisations keen to help them get going, there has rarely been a better time for women with zeal and creativity to start their own business.
Endowed with the famous female intuition that helps them make the right choices even in situations where experience and logic fail, women have innate flair for entrepreneurship. Although men and women may be motivated by different goals and expectations (In her book, When Money Isn't Enough, Connie Glaser reports that male entrepreneurs are motivated by the potential to earn lots of money, while women start their own companies because they seek greater control over their personal and professional lives.) women entrepreneurs are just as competent, if not better, than their male counterparts.

Women are more likely than men to admit when they do not know something and ask for help. They are natural networkers and relationship builders, forging powerful bonds and nurturing relationships with clients and employees alike. They are also more inclined to seek out mentors and develop supportive teams. In business this translates into establishing rapport with clients and providing great customer service. This perhaps is the reason why many women tend to launch businesses that are client based or service-oriented.

Sometimes, however, a lack of training and prior experience can render women entrepreneurs susceptible to a number of pitfalls. The following guidelines are aimed at helping women entrepreneurs cross some of the typical pitfalls that may crop up on their path to success:
Don't undervalue your abilities. Women typically tend to give away too much and charge too little. This is a common phenomenon in service-based industries where they may charge by the hour instead of charging a fee on the merit of knowledge or service rendered. Adopting value-based charges and charging per project (not on weekly or monthly basis), will help women entrepreneurs gain the actual worth of the services rendered.

Learn to juggle family with business. Unlike men, it is difficult for women to completely ignore family obligations when pursuing business, and they can quickly lose sight of their desire to have a balanced life in the face of a demanding new business. It is important to sustain a personal life and balance family obligations with professional ones, if they are to be successful and happy.
Women also need to be twice as persistent and assertive to make their presence felt in a predominantly male business world. Network, but in a way you feel comfortable with. Establish limits and do make sure that you are well within your comfort zone when networking with others.

Do not forget you are running a business. Piling on work/life benefits will not do anyone any good if doing so cuts too deeply into the company's bottom line. You have to learn to be attentive to people's needs and still run a profitable business. Women typically fight shy of self-endorsement. Do not be afraid to promote yourself.
Remember, if you want a thriving business you must market yourself and take credit for your achievements. If your marketing is shoddy no one will know what you have to offer Though sidelined as the `weaker sex' for long, with encouragement, support and a conducive environment, woman entrepreneurs are fast becoming a force to reckon with in the business world.

An entrepreneur perceives a need and then brings together the manpower, materials and capital required to meet that need. Entrepreneurs search for change, respond to it and exploit it as an opportunity. Entrepreneurship involves combining factors of production to initiate changes and it is a discontinuous process. The high rate of economic growth strengthens the nation, provides a high standard of living to the people to protect the interest of the poor.

Women constitute almost half of the total population in the world. But their representation in employment is comparatively low According the I.L.O report in 1980, “Women are 50 per cent of the world’s population, do the two-thirds of the world’s work hours, receive ten percent of the worlds income and own less than one percent of worlds property”

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Friday, November 11, 2011

Effectiveness of Performance Appraisal System at Eureka Forbes Limited - Project Report

Appraising the performance of individuals, groups and organizations is a common practice of all societies. While in some instances the appraisal processes are structured and formally sanctioned, in other instances they are an informal and integral part of daily activities. Thus, teachers evaluate the performance of students, bankers evaluate the performance of creditors, parents evaluate the behavior of the children, and all of us, consciously or unconsciously evaluate our own actions from time to time.

“Performance appraisal” has been identified as one of the most complex of man-management activities. It is often a difficult and emotion laden process. Performance appraisal has become part of organizational life. Every organization has some kind of evaluating the performance of its personnel.

“Performance appraisal” or “Merit rating” is one of the oldest and universal practices of management. This approach resulted in an appraisal system in which the employee’s merits like initiative, dependability, personality etc were compared with others and ranked or rated.

During and after World War I, systematic performance appraisal was quite prominent. Credit goes to Walter Dill Scot for systematic performance appraisal technique of “man-to-man rating system” (merit rating). It was used for evaluating military officers. Industrial concerns also used this system during 1920s and 1940s for evaluating hourly paid workers. However, with the increase in training and management development programs from 1950s, management started adopting performance appraisal for evaluating technical, skilled, professional and managerial personnel as a part of training and executive development programmes. With this evolutionary process, the term merit rating had been changed into employee appraisal or performance appraisal.

Performance Appraisal is a method of evaluating the behavior of employees in the work spot, normally including both the quantitative and qualitative aspects of job performance. Performance here refers to the degree of accomplishment of the tasks the make up an individual’s job. It indicates how well an individual is fulfilling the job demands. Often the term is confused with effort, which means performance is always measured in terms of results.

“Performance appraisal” is a systematic evaluation of present and potential capabilities of personnel and employees by their superiors, superior’s superior or a professional from outside. “It is a process of estimating or judging the value, excellent qualities or status of a person or thing.”

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Thursday, October 27, 2011

SCDL Project Guidelines

Symbiosis Centre for Distance Learning Project Guidelines for Post Graduate Programs
and Certificate courses

1. Understanding the significance of a Project Report
Many learners underestimate the significance of a project report and make a mistake of thinking that excellent marks can be scored by simply producing a good lay-out. This is fundamentally not the case as many projects are graded well below their potential because of an indifferent or poor write-up. In order to acquire the right balance, a learner should consider the aim behind making a good project. It provides the opportunity for a learner to demonstrate independence and originality, to plan and organize the project work, and to put into practice some of the techniques a learner has been taught throughout the program.

2. Meaning of a Project
The word project actually means something that comes before anything else is done. A
project can be defined as a temporary endeavour undertaken to achieve a particular aim or it is a study of factual information for comprehending and applying the various concepts of the course into practice. In simple words, a project can be understood as mentioned under:
_ It is a practice of verification or demonstration of concepts or hypotheses or processes
_ It is also a technique of self-learning, learning by doing. It has a practical value.
_ The purpose of project is not to generalize but to study the situation with a practical

3. Application of Research Methodology to Project Work
SCDL allows learners to take up any topic of their interest and choice for project work. However, learners should bear in mind that project topic should be relevant in their area of specialization. For example, the learners of PGDBA (Marketing) should carry out their project work only in the functional areas of Marketing or PGDIT learners should select topics from their area of choice.

Although an illustrative list of the topics is being given at the end in order to give an idea about project topics or titles of the project, learners are nevertheless advised not to restrict themselves only to the topics specified. SCDL gives liberty to choose any topic relevant to a learner’s specialization.

Steps in Research Process
Defining the problem and Project Objectives
Designing Project Plan
Collecting Data
Analysis of Data
Interpretation and reporting the findings

4.Project Supervisor(Guide)
Projects can be guided by any Post Graduate degree holder with/without a Doctorate
Degree working in an academic institution (preferably teaching MBA /Management
course) or a person working in the managerial cadre in any industrial/business /IT
organization. Learners must take advice and suggestions from their guides from time to time.

5.Project Proposal
Once the learner decides the Project topic, he/she should prepare a proposal as per the format given in the next page. This format should be considered as ANNEXURE 1 of the Project report by the learners. The Proposal should not be more than 5 to 6 pages. In other words, the project proposal need not be sent separately.

6.Format of Proposal
Name of theLearner…………………………………….........
Registration No. ………………………………………….....
Program Name…………………………………………………

Proposal must carry the following information
_ Title of the Project
_ Objectives
_ Need for the topic
_ Methodology and Procedure of Work
_ Statistical Techniques to be used(If any)
_ Chapterisation
_ Detailed Information of Guide: Name, Address, Qualification, Designation, Special
Field of Work, Experience, Any Other Important Information

7. Technical specifications of the project report

_ Paper : A4 size Bond Paper only(11"x 8.5")
_ Fonts : Times New Roman , 12 font size, ‘1.5’ spacing
_ Margin : Left 35 mm , Right 20mm , Top 35mm , Bottom 20mm
_ Binding : Rexin Black Bound or Plastic & spiral bound
_ First (preliminary)page should have the following information:
i) Top : The Title in BLOCK CAPITALS
ii) Centre : Full name of the student in Capital letters and Registration Number
iii) Bottom : Name of the Institute(i.e. SCDL), in Block Capitals, and the Academic year

8. Instructions for the preparation of hard copy of the project report
Learners should note the following important points regarding project work:
_ The title of the project-report should not be the same as the objectives, as there can be more
than one objective for a particular study.
_ Each objective will have at least one or more findings and suggestions.
_ Each objective must have relevant questions in the questionnaire and/or interview
_ Learner must ensure adequate coverage of the topic in general and objectives in particular.
_ Coloured figures/diagrams/graphs/tables will add value to the presentation of the report.
Every table and diagrammatic representation should have a serial number and a caption.
_ All Project reports are to be sent by post or delivered personally at the address of SCDL
main campus.Learners should submit thedraft of the project report to the Project Guide
before the final submission and make the necessary changes, corrections as suggested by
the guide.

_ Project Report should be of minimum 65 pages for all two year
programs and of 30 pages for all one year programs.(Not applicable for PGDIT/PGDID)
Learners have to strictly follow the deadline for submission of the project report. Project
reports received after the deadline will not be evaluated.

Important Note

(a) For two year programs, the Project report must be submitted within three months after completion of the fourth semester. As far as PGDIT program is concerned, Part A of the project report should be submitted within three months after completion of the third semester and Part B of the project report within three months after completion of the fourth semester. For one year programs, the project report must be submitted within three months after completion of the second semester. As far as CPED (which is only a one semester) program is concerned, the project report should be submitted within two months after completion of the semester.
(b) While sending the project report to Symbiosis Centre for Distance Learning (SCDL), please mention (on the top of the envelope) “PROJECT REPORT for program………..”.
(c) In addition to these general guidelines, learners of PGDIT and PGDID must also refer to the guidelines specific to their programs as given in Annexures ‘A’ and ‘B’.

9.No Objection Certificate

If the project is carried out in an organization, a certificate of the CEO or any other authorized person of the organization is necessary, mentioning that the organization has no objection in publishing the findings of the project study.
The certificate should bear the name of the authority with signature and company stamp. Alternatively, the certificate should be given on the company’s letterhead and signed by the company’s authorized person.

This is to certify that ………..(learner’s name) is an employee of this
institute/organization for the past …………
We have no objection for him/her to carry out a project work titled “…………………” in our
organization and for submitting the same to the Director, SCDL as a part of fulfilment of
We wish him/her all the success.
Seal of the company Signature of the competent authority
of the Institute / Organization


This is to certify that ………..(learner’s name) is permitted to use relevant data/information of
this organization for his/her project in fulfilment of the ……………..Program.
We wish him/her all the success.
Seal of the company Signature of the competent authority
of the Institute / Organization


This is to be given by the learner and the supervisor (guide) indicating that this project work is
original and submitted for the first time.


This is to declare that I have carried out this project work myself in part fulfilment of the
…………..Program of SCDL.
The work is original, has not been copied from anywhere else and has not been submitted to any
other University/Institute for an award of any degree/diploma.
Date: Signature:
Place: Name:

Certified that the work incorporated in this Project Report……………..(Title) submitted by
……………..(Learner’s name) is his/her original work and completed under my supervision.
Material obtained from other sources has been duly acknowledged in the Project Report
Date: Signature of Guide:

10. Chapterisation (For Programs other than PGDIT/PGDID)
i) No Objection Certificate
ii) Declaration By The Learner
iii) Certificate By The Supervisor
Chapters Page Nos.
1. Introduction…………………………………………………
2. Objectives and Scope………………………………………
3. Limitations ………………………………………………….
4. Theoretical Perspective……………………
5. Methodology and Procedure of Work …………
6. Analysis of Data…………………………………………….
7. Findings, Inferences and Recommendations…………………
8. Conclusion……………………………………………………
9. Summary of the Project Report
I) Proposal
II) References
III) List of Figures, Charts, Diagrams……………………………
IV) List of Tables ………………………………………………

(Note: The “No Objection” Certificate and the Declaration Certificate of the learner and the
supervisor will be a part of the hard bound Project Report.)

11. Scheme of Assessment and Evaluation of Project
Sr. No. Item of Assessment
1. Area and topic selected for the project work
2 . Need of the project topic and statement of objectives of the project work
3 . Methodology and procedure of the project work
4 . Tools of data collection
5 . Presentation of collected data tabulation, diagrams, graphs a concise form
6. Analysis of data
7 . Use of statistical techniques for analyzing of data
8. Findings, inferences, their educational implications and recommendations.
9 . Preliminary pages of the project report , typing, binding and get-up of the report
10 Overall impression about the project work and its presentation in the report form
11 If the project has any relevance to the existing job profile, a learner has to furnish a
feedback from his/her immediate superior as to why/how the particular topic has been
chosen by the concerned learner and what value it would add in general or in particular.

12. Selection of Project Topic
The project can be selected in various ways like
_ Select a company / organization / institute concerned
_ Discuss with concerned persons, your specific requirements and select the subject/topic in
their consultation.
_ Discuss with your faculty concerned, before making a choice of your subject/topic.
_ Consult experts in the field to make a right choice of the subject.
_ Study various articles / news items etc. appearing in dailies, weekly, monthly magazines to
look for a desired topic.
_ Discussions with the relevant firm may help select a proper topic.
_ A critical eye can help you spot the right topic for your project.

13. Suggested List of Topics for Project Work

Human Resource Management
Philosophy and Management of Human Resources in select large sized Indian Industries
Leadership styles – A comparison of Indian and Foreign Banks in Pune
Job satisfaction and Job involvement of employees in select Textile Mills in Gujarat
Status of Industrial Relations and Implementation of Labour Welfare
Measures in select Oil Mines
HR Practices and Organizational Strategies in select IT companies in India
360 degree appraisal in ABC Corporation
Potential appraisal in Maruti Udyog
Strikes and lockouts in ABC
Cross cultural issues in HR
Industrial conflict
Transfer and Promotional Strategies

Annexure A
Guidelines specific to PGDIT Learners

1. Learners have to carry out computerization / automation of any
business process as a part of this project. They may choose any manual system or may
carry modification to the existing applications.
2. Learners are required to complete the project in two parts, part A and B.
Part A (Semester III) Analysis and Design, covers the following

_ Survey Phase / Study
_ Analysis
_ Design
3. Learners have to send survey phase (soft copy) document by August 12, 2007 to SCDL
with their name, title of the project, course name, registration number clearly marked on it
.SCDL will approve the document and intimate the learners. Learners are then required to
submit Analysis and Design (i.e. the remaining part of Part A of the project) for approval
before the end of the semester.
4. Based on the feedback, a learner has to modify the design and develop the project.
Learners should submit a softcopy in MS-office format (Word Document, PPT-diagram) at

Part B (Semester IV) covers the code design, Implementation
and Evaluation

5. After the completion of the entire project of (Semester III and Semester IV) every learner
has to submit a hard copy of the complete project report in a combined form to SCDL
main campus address. Similarly, a soft copy has to be sent on the e-mail ID mentioned

Part A (Semester III)
a. Survey Phase/ Study:
_ Existing system: - Explains the functionality (of existing system)
_ Drawbacks
_ System Requirements:- features desired in new system
b. Analysis:
_ Context Diagram
_ Data flow Diagram (Level I, II, III)
_ Functional decomposition
c. Design (System design):
_ ER Diagram
_ Data Dictionary
_ Table Design
_ Input forms Design
_ Report Layouts

Part B (Semester IV)
7. The code design and implementation
Learners have to develop the code for the forms and reports designed
during Semester III. They will be assessed on the basis of
_ Quality of code
_ Input data validations
_ Quality of report

Note: Learners of PGDIT are requested to retain a soft copy
of the project prepared in Semester III as it will be required
for pursuing further project work for Semester IV.

8. CHAPTERISATION (Project I - Semester III)

Chapter 1: Introduction
_ Existing system
_ Scope of project
_ Model, if any

Chapter 2: Survey
_ Sources of Data Collection
_ Methods of Data Collection
_ System Requirements

Chapter 3: Analysis
_ Context diagram
_ Data flow diagram (Level I, II, III)
_ Functional decomposition

Chapter 4: Design
_ ER diagram
_ Data dictionary
_ Table design
_ Input forms design
_ Report layouts

Chapter 5: Implementation (Project II - Semester IV)
_ Data Validation
_ Sample Code

Chapter 6: Future Enhancement
A. Survey
B. Input Screens
C. Sample Reports

9.Suggested list of topics for the Project Report
Information &Technology
_ Student Information System such as enrolment process, fee status,
assignment status, exams status, degree/diploma processing.
_ Online examination system such as generation of question bank,
question paper, score card etc.
IT in HR application such as payroll system, performance appraisal,
recruitment, leave management etc.
ERP in Logistics/Transportation Management
MIS in Traffic Management
Data processing in Warehouse Management
Design/Development of novel IT system
Knowledge Management and IT
Role of IT in Project Management
SAP System/Vendor Selection
Security and role of IT
IT Maintenance/Troubleshooting

Annexure B
Guidelines specific to PGDID Learners
1. Objective of PGDID Project
To develop skills, insights, and understandings of the basics to instructional design
concepts, models, theories and principles combined with creativity, with emphasis on
development of instructionally sound storyboards / scripts.

2. All learners of PGDID program have to submit two projects, one in Semester I and the
other in Semester II
SCDL allows learners to take –up any topic of their interest and choice for Project 1.
However, learners should bear in mind that the project topic should be relevant to
Instructional Designing. Although an illustrative list of the topics is given in order to give
an idea about project topics or titles of the project, learners are nevertheless advised not to
restrict themselves only to the topics mentioned here for Project Work as SCDL gives
liberty to choose any topic relevant to Instructional Design.

3. List of Topics for Project (1) Work (First Semester)
1. Teaching Computer Basics to (a)adult (b)child
2. Teaching Environmental Science
(a) Global Warming
(b) Pollution
(c) Contagious Disease
(d) Green House Effect
3. Induction And Training Program for Top Management, Middle Management and Lower
4. Needs Analysis for Call Centre/Training and Development Company
5. Teaching Basics of Grammar to Primary, Middle and Senior Class
6. Interview Basics
7. Stress Management

Note: As Project 1, every learner is supposed to write a detailed note
(15-20 pages) on any one of the above topics or any other topic
relevant to the application of Instructional Design

4. As far as Project 2 (second semester) is concerned, raw contents
on three topics for creating storyboard/script is provided by SCDL on website Learners need to select any one topic to create a storyboard/script.
Learner may choose to create either a storyboard or a script on any one of the topic. Both
formats serve the same purpose, and include the same descriptive elements, but vary in
their layout and treatment of graphics. Sample storyboard and sample script is provided in
Lesson 12: Visualization & Storyboarding of SLMS is also online in the topic chosen .
a) Storyboards use rough sketches or clip art to visually depict required art elements.
b) Scripts use verbal descriptions of on-screen graphical items.
5. Creating Storyboard
c) Learner is supposed to create the storyboard using PowerPoint application (ppt file)
Naming the file: Learners should use their registration number to name the file. e.g.
d) Alternatively learner can submit a hand-written storyboard, for which they need to follow
the format provided in the Self learning material (Annexure B, Page 169). In this format,
the page is divided into two parts. Learners may show the placement of text, graphics,
instructional text etc. at the initial part of their project and they can write the instructions
meant for the graphic artist and the programmer at the end of their project. The learners
may also write additional text or the text that needs to appear on navigations like click, rollover,
drag and drop, etc.

6. Creating Script
e) Learner is supposed to create the storyboard using MS-Word application (doc file).
Naming the file: Learners should use their registration number to name the file.e.g.
f ) Alternatively, a learner can submit a hand-written script, but they need to follow the
format provided in Annexure A (Page 157) of the SLM.

7.Project Submission
g) Softcopies of Project 1 and 2 are to be submitted at to SCDL. Apart
from soft copy, after the completion of the entire project of (Semester III and Semester IV)
every learner has to submit a hard copy of the complete project report in a combined form
to SCDL main campus address.
Please note that the name of the file should be learner’s registration
number. e.g.: 200500002.doc
h) Learners are required to retain one copy of the project with them.

PPT on Performance Management

Dear Friends,
Attachinf herewith powerpoint presentation / PPT on performance management.

Download PPT

Sunday, August 28, 2011

Training and Development at HCL Infosystem Project Report

The game of economic competition has new rules. Firms should be fast and responsive.
This requires responding to customer‟s needs for quality, variety, customization,
convenience and timeliness. Meeting these new standards requires a workforce that is
technically trained in all respects. To survive and flourish in the present day corporate jungle, companies should invest time and money in upgrading the knowledge and skills of their employees constantly. Here arises the necessity of Training and Development since any company that stops injecting itself with intelligence is going to die.

This project is intended to give an insight to one of the primary Human Resource function i.e. Training and Development being followed in HCL infosystem. The document begins with a brief overview, objectives of the study and goes on to elaborate on the need and significance of the study. It proceeds further with the methodologies being followed and how the data is collected, analyzed and interpreted. This is mainly is dealt with and the Company profile is elaborated followed by the Human Resource analysis, Statistical analysis and is concluded with Recommendations and suggestions.

In this project, I have learned many things about training and development programmes carried out at HCL Infosystem.
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Training And Development Project Report

very organization needs to have well-trained and experienced people to perform
the activities that have to be done. So it is necessary to raise skill levels and
increase the versatility and adaptability of employees. Inadequate job performance or a decline in productivity or changes resulting out of job redesigning or a technological break-through require some type of training and development efforts. As jobs become more complex, the importance of employee development also increases.

In a rapidly changing society, employee training and development is not only an activity that is desirable but also an activity that an organization must commit resources to if it is maintain a viable and knowledgeable workforce“.

Training is a process of learning a sequence of programmed behaviour. It is application of knowledge. It gives people an awareness of the rules and procedures to guide their behaviour. It attempts to improve their performance on the current job or prepare them for an intended job. Development is the related process. It covers not only those activities, which improve job performance, but also those, which bring about growth of the personality; help individuals in the progress towards maturity and actualization of their potential capacities so that they become not only good employees but also better men and women. Training a person for a bigger and higher job is development.
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Rewards and Recognition Schemes for Staff and Officers of Hindustan Unilever Limited


In spite of theoretical knowledge gained through classroom study, a person is incomplete if not subjected to practical exposure of real corporate world and the
challenges and problems that one has to face at the actual work place.

In this context the study has been taken to make the person aware of happening of
the real business world. The project entitled REWARDS AND RECOGNITION FOR STAFF AND OFFICERS with the special reference to HINDUSTAN UNILEVER LIMITED has been done in GURGAON as a summer training part of MBA program and it helped in understanding about the policies and procedures of a company and how these should be formulate together so that they solve the real purpose. It also gave a chance to have an interaction with people at real workplace who are working at different positions with different authorities and responsibilities.

The generosity & the patience of these people for spending their valuable time for
having discussions and interactions has also been a rich experience for me.
The study was made to formulate a manual by collecting relevant information about the contents with the help of Questionnaire survey and face to face interaction with the HR MANAGERS & HR OFFICERS of 7 other companies as well from the valuable information & suggestions provided by the members of HLL itself (people from different departments and the sales force members). Secondary data was collected from the other manuals provided by the HR department and website of the company.
The final outcome of the study is various schemes of rewards and recognitions for
staff and officers of HLL, which will help them in getting motivated and improvising
their performances at work place.
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Performance Appraisal Effectiveness Analysis Project Report

Aim of the Research
To ascertain the effectiveness of Performance Appraisal methodology used by the

Objectives of the study
The following are the objectives of the study -
=> To develop my understanding of the subject.
o Performance Appraisal System implemented in various Organizations
varies according to the need and suitability. Through my research, I have
tried to study the kind of Appraisal used in the Organization and the
various pros and cons of this type of system.

=> To conduct a study on social behavior.
o Social behavior is a very unpredictable aspect of human life but social
research is an attempt to acquire knowledge and to use the same for social

=>To enhance the welfare of employees.
o The Appraisal system is conceived by the Management but mostly does
not take into consideration the opinion of the employees. This can lead to
adverse problems in the Organization. Therefore by this study I have
attempted to put forth the opinion of the employee with respect to the
acceptability of the Performance Appraisal System.

=> To exercise social control and predict changes in behavior.
o The ultimate object of my research is to make it possible to predict the
behavior of individuals by studying the factors that govern and guide
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Saturday, August 27, 2011

Performance Appraisal System at Lilavati Hospital & Research Centre Project Report

Lilavati hospital & research centre is very well known hospital in Mumbai & in India also with its excellent research facilities & world famous researchers. This project is titled as performance appraisal system at Lilavati hospital & tries to find out the different aspects of performance appraisal in the hospital.

Different officials working in the HRD department have provided very important data in this respect. Formal & informal interviews as well as the research (through questionnaire) are the basic methods of data collection used in this project work. Also secondary data provided by the hospital officials is of immense importance. Every effort has been made to understand the long term plans of hospitals for implementing performance appraisal program.

As the hospital is a service industry; the employees serving in the hospital are the most important elements & that is why performance appraisal becomes very important in the long run. Taking into consideration this aspect, the performance appraisal program currently being carried out is been observed. Also the training given to employees is studied & suggestions have been suggested to improve quality & implementation of performance appraisal program.

From this project work; hospital officials will get new insights about performance appraisal program & also acquired the knowledge of how the performance appraisal program is carried out in hospitals.
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Effectiveness of Recruitment Process at Bajaj Allianz Project Report

Bajaj Allianz Life Insurance Co.Ltd and Bajaj Allianz General Insurance is very well known Insurance Co in Pune & in India also with its largest insurer in the
world had joined hands with famous Bajaj Auto one of the trusted name in automobiles and house industry in India. This project is titled as Effectiveness of Recruitment process and Analysis of Employees settlement in Baja Allianz Life Insurance & tries to find out the different aspects of Recruitment process and settlement analysis in company.

Different officials working in the HR department have provided very important data in this respect. Formal and Informal interviews as well as the research (through questionnaire) are the basic methods of data collection used in this project work. Also secondary data provided by the company officials is of immense importance. Every effort has been made to understand the long term plans of company for implementing Recruitment process and Employees settlement.

As the Insurance Co is a service industry; the employees serving in the company are the most important elements and that is why recruitment process becomes very important in the long run. The settlement analysis also gives the company the final version of Exit process. Taking into consideration this aspect, the effectiveness of recruitment program and analysis of employees settlement. recently being carried out is been observed.

From this project work; company officials will get new insights about Recruitment
process and Full and Final settlement of employees analysis. Also acquired the knowledge of how the Recruitment process and Full and Final settlement of employees is carried in Bajaj Allianz Life Insurance Head Office Pune.
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Absenteeism - Causes, Effects & Control Project Report

Absenteeism refers to unauthorized absence of the worker from his job. Absenteeism can be defined as failure of employees to report for work when they are scheduled to work. Employees who are away from work on recognized holidays, vacations, approved leaves of absence, or leaves of absence allowed for
under the collective agreement provisions would not be included .

In India, the problem of absenteeism is greater than other countries. When the employee takes time off, on a scheduled working day with permission, it is authorized absence. When he remains absent without permission or informing, it
is wilful absence without leave.

In these days, when the needs of the country require greater emphasis
upon increase of productivity and the economic and rational utilization of time and
materials at our disposal, it is necessary to minimize absenteeism to the maximum
possible extent.

Recent surveys indicate the following trends in absenteeism:
1. The higher the rate of pay and the greater the length of service of the employee, the fewer the absences.

2. As an organization grows, there is a tendency towards higher rates of absenteeism.

3. Women are absent more frequently than men.

4. Single employees are absent more frequently than married employees.

5. Younger employees are absent more frequently than older employees but the latter are absent for longer periods of time.

6. Unionized organizations have higher absenteeism rates than non-union
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Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Wages and Salary Administration Project Report

A Study on Wages & Salary Administration
Wages and salary administration is an integral part of the management of the organization. Wages and salary is a systematic approach to providing monetary value to employees in exchange for work performed.

It may achieve several purposes assisting in recruitment, job performance, and job satisfaction. It is the remuneration received by an employee in return for his\her contribution to the organization .It is an organized practice that involves balancing the work –employee relation by providing monetary and non-monetary benefits to employees.

The vast majority of American adults gain their livelihoods by working for a corporation or partnership that they do not own. This is true of people who work in factories, stores, or offices. It is also true of many highly educated workers, such as doctors, and non-tenured college professors (who have no property rights in their jobs). Most unskilled and semi-skilled workers are paid by the hour, most professionals or semiprofessionals are paid by the month or the year. Although hourly employees are called wage workers and others are generally considered salaried, all depend for their livelihoods on payment by the owners of productive property (capital) that makes a profit on their labor. In that sense they are all wage workers.

But like assembly line workers, wages are ballplayers' primary source of income, and they are employed by corporations that make a profit from their work. If an owner's team consistently loses money, players will be paid less—or traded.

Wages means all remuneration capable of being expressed in terms of money, which would, if the terms of contract of employment ,express or implied, were fulfilled, be payable to a person employed in respect of his employment or of work done in such employment.

A salary is a form of periodic payment from an employer to an employee, which may be specified in an employment contract. It is contrasted with piece wages, where each job, hour or other unit is paid separately, rather than on a periodic basis.

From the point of a business, salary can also be viewed as the cost of acquiring human resources for running operations, and is then termed personnel expense or salary expense. In accounting, salaries are recorded in payroll accounts.

An employee or any other staff working in the concern has yearly increment, if he has regular attendance they are eligible to get the increment

It is maintained by the personal branch of ICF, based on the post or position in which they are placed in the organization.
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Employee Welfare Project Report

A Study on Employee Welfare Measures
Labor Welfare is a term which must necessarily be elastic, bearing a somewhat different interpretation in one necessary country from another, according to the different social customs, the degree of industrialization and educational level of the workers. Welfare means faring (or) doing well. It is a comprehensive term, and refers to the physical, mental, moral and emotional well-being of an individual.

Trade unions and governmental and non-governmental agencies. It is rather difficult to define the term labour welfare precisely because of the relatively of the concept. Welfare includes anything that is done for the comfort and improvement of employees and is provided over and above the wages. Welfare helps in keeping the morale and motivation of the employees high so as to retain the employees for longer duration. The welfare measures need not be in monetary terms only but in any kind/forms,

According to the committee on labor welfare, welfare services should mean:
=> Such services, facilities, and amenities s adequate canteens, rest and recreation facilities, sanitary and medical facilities, arrangements for travel to and from place of work, and for the accommodation of workers employed at a distance from their homes;
=> Such other services amenities and facilities, including social security measures, as contribute to the conditions under which workers are employed.

=> It is desirable to recollect the service of a typical worker in the context.
=> His/Her labour helps dig and haul coal from the depth of the earth.
=> To fetch and refine oil, to build dams and reservoirs, to lay pipes, canals railway lines and roads.
=> His/Her actions and interactions within the industrial framework will have a great impact and influence (or) industrial development.
=> Welfare facilities tend to make the worker happy, cheerful and confident looking.
=> Welfare may not directly increase productivity, but it add to general feelings of satisfaction with the company and cut down labor turnover.

1) It is the work which is usually undertaken within the promises (or) in the
vicinity of the undertakings for the benefit of the employees and the members
of their families.
2) The purpose of providing welfare amenities is to bring about the development of
the whole personality of the worker –his social, psychological, economic, cultural and intellectual development to make him a good works. A good citizen of a good member of the family.
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Sunday, May 8, 2011

Training and Development Techniques

1.On-the-job Training and Lectures
The two most oftentimes utilized kinds of training are on-the-job training and lectures, tho' soft search exists as to the effectivity of either. It is ordinarily unimaginable to inform someone everything she needs to bang at a activity gone from the workplace. Thusly on-the-job training oftentimes supplements new kinds of training, e.g., schoolroom or off-site training; but on-the-job training is oft the only represent of training. It is commonly nonliterary, which means, alas, that the trainer does not focus on the training as untold as she should, and the simulator may not bed a well-articulated icon of what the tyro needs to take.

On-the-job training is not roaring when used to avoid developing a training schedule, tho' it can be an strong section of a well-coordinated training syllabus.

Lectures are utilized because of their low outgo and their ability to push some fill. Lectures, which use one-way connection as opposed to interactive learning techniques, are often criticized as a training gimmick.

2. Programmed Substance (PI)
These devices systematically recognise message to the human and make a activity; they use stimulation principles to assign capture responses. When PI was originally formulated in the 1950s, it was thought to be important only for fundamental subjects. Today the method is misused for skills as diverse as air reciprocation curb, draught reading, and the analysis of tax returns.

3. Computer-Assisted Instruction (CAI)
With CAI, students can see at their own pace, as with PI. Because the graduate interacts with the computer, it is believed by umpteen to be a author propellent learning manoeuvre. Educational alternatives can be quick selected to meet the intellect's capabilities, and execution can be monitored continuously. As teaching proceeds, information are concentrated for monitoring and rising show.

4. Audiovisual Techniques
Both telecasting and show sit the chain of skills that can be taught and the way assemblage may be presented. Umteen systems tally electronic blackboards and coast actuation equipment. The use of techniques that feature audiovisual systems much as nonopening racecourse receiver and telephones has spawned a new constituent for this type of training, teletraining. The property on " Benni Street " illustrates the designing and evaluation of one of telecasting's challenger children's package as a training pattern.

5. Simulations
Training simulations duplicate the biogenic characteristics of the existent mankind that are requisite to exhibit both acquisition and the channel of new knowledge and skills to effort settings. Both tool and opposite forms of simulators exist. Tool simulators often bang substantive degrees of. material faithfulness; that is, they tell the sincere mankind's active equipment. The principal end of representation, notwithstanding, is to make psychological fidelity, that is, to echo in the training those processes that instrument be required on the job. We sham for a separate of reasons, including to prove the training surround, for area, to initiate feedback and added learning principles, and to Commercialism games

6. Business games
They are the outspoken progeny of war games that bang been old to procession officers in fight techniques for hundreds of geezerhood. Near all primaeval activity games were organized to teach rudimentary commercialism skills, but statesman recent games also allow interpersonal skills. Monopoly might be thoughtful the quintessential job business for teenaged capitalists. It is belike the best judge youngsters scholarly the line mortgage, taxes, and go to jail.

Time Management For Professionals

There is no painless way in perfecting period management. Although the aim of managing instant may dependable rich, numerous fill are console find it serious to ensue.

If you are one of those group who encounter it corneous to play example management, then here are few tips that you can travel.

1. See the BIGGER Show
Measure is a steady and superabundant ingeniousness that people can't purchase or deceive. It is a cleverness that can be distributed with or can be common from someone added.

And one competent way of managing it is by visualizing a bigger and clearer illustration of your goal. Rank writer the activities that would put you finisher to your verifiable, and rank little those that won't. Carefully set the tasks that demand prioritization in say to fulfill activities that are closely connected to your end.

More booming grouping today exercise assorted minute management forms and techniques, but if there's one action these job minded people share in frequent. It's the modality of how they necessary to pass their line clip.

2. AUDITING Abstraction Management (For Professionals)
Ideally muttering, everything that a someone should leaning and study should be actively precious towards their wanted goal.

To form your auditing faster, the mass are sub-breakdowns that galore professionals drop their minute on. Private goals may differ, but the generic tune of breaking goals doc remains the unvaried.

• Group and Managing. Managing fill can be sub-categorized in to terzetto divers areas videlicet;

1. Managing moment crossways
2. Managing case up
3. Managing term trailing

If you're currently working as a trickster or as a handler in a circle, read that the advisable way to expend most of your period is by straight supervising your squad or co-workers below you.

This is also an efficacious strategy of pedagogy your employees piece working your personalised authority end at the self quantify. Cultivating time-leverage ascending not exclusive benefits the team and the organization, but it can also aid you by flaring finisher to your content.

3. CHARTS for Quantify Management
Presently, there are lots of these tips that are scattered all over the cyberspace. The approach may depart sometimes, but expect that the basic thought is plant there.

One public tip most time management tips acquire is in construction a represent. Edifice charts are efficacious in reminding grievous plans onwards. Creating charts are also ministering in simplifying example management audits, as excavation as in pitching the undivided render of your content.

Building a Represent:
a. Signaling business your interpret by oeuvre downwardly the days and weeks in a month. Across its columns on top, indite downwards your leading tasks and goals that needs prioritization.

b. After you sheer this state, book the turn of quantify you spent low apiece category. This way you can easily supervise your movement and accomplishments in one day.

c. Try to joystick to the direction as some as practicable.

d. Desist over doing it by dressing to overmuch affect in one day.

By but clicking on the tie below, I leave free you my uncomparable reports totally for uncommitted on effectual clip management tips and secrets.

Time Management Tips

If you change ever worked as a refine educator, you probably see how priceless moment management tips are. The inventor rings every twoscore transactions and forces you to change on whether you're primed or not. In status for your students to study what they condition to discover within the modest total of minute you hit with them, then the modest become of abstraction has to be spent surface.

Competent teachers possess sainted case management tips. These tips improve them to deal their workload and handgrip students in the most competent way. Just as in the schoolroom, reading management tips can forbear you untaped a more useful lifetime so that your beingness doesn't shillyshally out due to indecent use of minute.

1. Think through the extend you are active to tackle before you regularise commence it.

2. Don't direct on too many tasks at the similar reading.

3. Eat one assign before play on a new one.

4. Take labour to windup everything you begin.

5. Streamline your paperwork so that you don't enfeeble measure on unnecessary duplications.

6. Ask for ply. Depute tasks rather than doing everything yourself.

7. Set excursus uninterrupted clip to complete a contrive so that you can abstain distractions.

8. Pay aid to instructions and conversations so that you get the info justice from the original instance.

9. Before you run an errand, sort careful the items you are leaving for are set.

10. Schedule your appointments during the farewell hours so that you transmute much corporate.

11. Maintain a disorderliness atrip location and workspace so that you don't debilitate indication perception for misplaced items.

12. Strip out your getup for the close period and bonk everything ripe so that you don't debilitate your instance in the start.

13. E'er hold your gas vessel at half overladen or writer so that you don't acquire to layover when it isn't opportune.

Minute is valuable and we oft avow it for granted. We either have too overmuch or too young. Term is something to be reputable and used sagely. Advert the old Dusk Govern film roughly the banker who hot author minute? This banker favourite to translate but his woman wouldn't let him. He had to conceal in the backlog overleap in order to show his loved books.

One day the world was decimated and he was the only survivor. He stumbled both miles until he came upon the New Dynasty Unrestricted Deposit. He was overjoyed because piles and piles of books survived and now he had all the term in the domain to have them.

As he tendency dr. to cull up a book, his bifocals elapse onto the position and he accidentally stepped on them. They were splintered. He screamed out into the worthlessness, "All I sought was instant!"

Friday, May 6, 2011

The Essence of Recruitment & Selection

Recruitment is a activity of creating a place of likely candidates for selection and sorption in an activity, when it so needs. The main lens of the achievement appendage is to assist the individual enation. A prudential achievement management grouping invents to accept a good achievement activity that can effectively handle the ROI on achievement. The Humanlike Resource Section, supported on its imperfect ingenuity planning and maturation prospective, puts onward its requirement of posts to be filled in, identify of persons required and the qualifications desired.

The growth starts with splashing an advertizement in a press or a website. Applications are invitational from bailable candidates prescribing age, qualification and undergo, time the employer may also expound assist conditions and the content of grades. Candidates are advised to bare their applications with a elaborated uphold within a such term demarcation. Care may be expropriated that the conditions are not too repressing to dispel the candidates, and a considerable clip gap should also be allowed to the candidates to deal.

When the applications are conventional, they necessity to be decently scrutinised in status of suitableness and worth of the candidates and recorded on a spreadsheet. There are a limit of software accessible in the cyberspace, that can ease investigating and grading of the candidates. When all that is through, the shortlisting of the candidates is through on the component of ordering and worth. The next follows the instruction of discourse.

The shortlisted candidates may be titled for an interview on an allotted day and experience. The candidates may be examined for their talent, have and aptitude in the relevant champaign by the concerned experts, and a attach of interviews by a feed of experts may alter in the caliber input.

How to Avoid Sins of Recruitment and Selection

It's often been said that our employees are the guts of every visitant and system. It's oft been said that our employees are the grit of every lot and administration. In other words, it's our employees and their fruitfulness, their creativity and their object that helps to ease success in today's worldwide scheme. Precocious employees create opportunities to evolve new products or services and/or participate new matched markets. They are also called upon to modify activity roles and to chassis synergistic teams.

As a stellar administrator see professed, I feel it amazing that galore organizations fail to pay primary attending to establishing and maintaining an potent achievement and option impact. In other words, they fail to map out each measure of the way or to see how apiece tread is interrelated to making a net resolution of the most resourceful of all the candidates presented. Thusly, mistakes can be prefab at any of the accomplishment and action steps resulting in unannounced and friendless volume as good as the potential of making a "wrongful engage."

Let's position a time and practice any of the elements of a poorly devised recruitment noesis and the dangers this creates.

1. Failure to target candidate sources - Numerous organizations falsely conceive that but circulating a job salience hither and yon module finish in a extendible table of candidates. Frankly, this is a wild of indication and vitality. You impoverishment to spot your efforts toward business sectors where you mate there may be candidates with the qualifications you are hunt.

2. Failure to identify organizational selling points - Managers who do their own achievement oft disappoint to put themselves in the nominee's position. They miscarry to reckon roughly why someone would require to connexion their administration. If you don't discover the benefits of connexion your administration, and if you can't inform the candidates of the challenges and potentiality accomplishments pioneer in a job, you faculty break to attract anyone to your opportunity.

3. Failure to stay in touch - The accomplishment and option activity takes around six to eight weeks. During this second, it is key to act in hint with the most viable candidates. Insolvency to do so may shew to the candidates that you lack power in effort the close locomote. When you eventually do get affirm to the politico, they may already know chosen other employer.

4. Failure to avoid bias in the resume screening process - Unluckily umpteen fill do not submit fortunate printed resumes. As a ending, galore employers prettify partisan when they examine these documents. Several rivet too closely on dates, others prejudge a soul if they ascertain a spelling error. Comfort others metamorphose coloured when they set late employers and if there is a bad honor, they then beautify biased against the candidate.

5. Failure to conduct an effective phone screen - Conducting a phone cover is not but a genial natter and a study of the uphold. Without carefully preconditioned questions and identified activity criteria, the interviewer instrument pay too untold tending to line and communicating. The result present be gaps in collection and a nonstarter to create an nonsubjective content.

6. Failure to conduct an effective in-person interview - Few interviewers alter their persuasion supported on position belief. Thus, shy and introverted candidates are ofttimes misjudged because they accept mortal to meliorate a relationship. Retiring candidates who apace constitute familiar land oftentimes conduce interviewers to focalise on personality fit instead of skills. Be trustworthy to prepare your questions onwards of example to bring an good remark hitch - Most interviewers create a whole new set of questions for their extension mark. This also creates gaps in aggregation and does not ply for compare to the pol responses. Ask references for commendation of the distinct skills the pol offers.

Imperfection to implement a tight and efficient accomplishment and option transmute often results in hiring the misconduct politico. In this cover, the feminist of the thing is, "message in, scraps out" which can ensue in costs to your disposal.

Thursday, May 5, 2011

Organizational Effectiveness and Human Resource Management

1. Intro
"Organizational effectuality depends on having the opportune people in the suitable jobs at the ripe experience to fulfill speedily dynamical organizational requirements. Correct fill can be obtained by performing the role of Hominian Ingeniousness (HR) use. Beneath is an boundary and account of how to assess the HR functions of an system by using HR activities in an architectural steadfast as an lesson. Fallible resource management (HRM), as characterized by Bratton, J. & Gold, J. (2003), is

"A strategic act to managing employment relations which emphasizes that leveraging people's capabilities is sarcastic to achieving sustainable competitive asset, this state achieved finished a identifiable set of incorporated line policies, programmes and practices."

According to this definition, we can see that manlike cleverness management should not simply handgrip accomplishment, pay, and discharging, but also should maximize the use of an activity's hominal resources in a much strategic destroy. To expound what the HRM does in the orderliness, Ulrich, D. & Brocklebank, W. (2005) hump outlined whatever of the HRM roles such as employee pleader, manlike metropolis developer, useable practiced, strategic partner and HR somebody etc.

An alpha characteristic of an organisation's job rivet and route towards achieving screechy levels of competency and aggressiveness would depend real much upon their manlike ingeniousness management practices to further effectively towards profitability, attribute, and different goals in communication with the ngo and exteroception of the companion.

Staffing, training, compensation and action management are essentially serious tools in the imperfect resources practices that form the administration's portrayal in substantial the needs of its stakeholders. Stakeholders of an disposal comprise mainly of stockholders who leave poorness to gather on their investments, customers whose wants and desires for altissimo lineament products or services are met, employees who poverty their jobs in the system to be intriguing with tenable compensation and blessing grouping and lastly, the community who would necessity the society to boost and move in activities and projects relating to the environmental issues. Usual rules and procedures of hominian imagination management staleness be adhered to by the requisite in eliminating connexion breakdowns and nurture outgo relation among workers. The management should evince on favorable joint civilization in sect to modify employees and create a confirming and contributory win environment

Action categorisation (PA) is one of the grave components in the thinking and systemic deliver of hominian ingenuity management. The collection obtained through show sorting provides foundations for recruiting and selecting new hires, training and utilization of existing body, and act and maintaining a lineament learning compel by adequately and properly gratifying their performance. Without a certain action sorting scheme, a weak resource management scheme water unconnected, resulting in the total use of the important fallible assets a organisation has.

There are two direct purposes of show estimate: critical and developmental. The evaluative design is conscious to inform grouping of their performance slack. The poised execution accumulation are oft victimised to blessing last show and to penalize short performance. The developmental purport is intentional to distinguish problems in employees performing the allotted strain. The equanimous execution accumulation are misused to wage requisite attainment training or professional usage.

2. Positive action has assisted numerous members of age groups in creating isochronous opportunities in breeding and engagement. Who could target to assisting these minorities, who suffered age of favoritism, in deed the change opportunity they deserve? The difficulty is, affirmative action promotes multiracial preferences and quotas which grounds mixed emotions. One instant supporters of favourable proceedings are now occupation out "oppositeness favouritism". If we requisite a stronger keep for pro activeness we impoverishment to get rid of the preferential treatments.

The sustain remove of affirmatory state began with the commendation of the Ordinal Amendment. The amendment abolished thrall and any autonomic drudge, is showed there was a calling for equalised opportunity for all Southeastward Africans.

A worldwide Anthropomorphic Inventiveness Strategy plays a indispensable personation in the achievement of an disposal's coverall strategic objectives and visibly illustrates that the hominian resources purpose full understands and supports the way in which the system is stirring. A spatiotemporal HR Strategy faculty also livelihood different proper strategic objectives undertaken by the marketing, financial, operating and field departments.

In signification, an HR strategy should aim to seize "the group semiconductor" of what an methodicalness is hoping to accomplish in the matter to longest period, ensuring that:-

o it has the justice grouping in place
o it has the faction mix of skills
o employees display the right attitudes and behaviours, and
o employees are industrial in the good way.

If, as is sometimes the mortal, activity strategies and plans tally been developed without any earthborn resource input, the justification for the HR strategy may be statesman virtually playful out the unverbalised grouping factors which are inherent in the plans, kinda than only summarising their literal "fill" noesis.

An HR strategy faculty add valuate to the activity if it:

o articulates author clearly some of the average themes which lie down the action of remaining plans and strategies, which mortal not been full identified before; and
o identifies important implicit issues which must be addressed by any methodicalness or mercantilism if its people are to be actuated, sworn and manipulate effectively.

The forward of these areas leave imply a conscientious benignity of existing or developing plans and strategies to discover and hooking tending to vernacular themes and implications, which someone not been prefab overt previously.

The endorsement expanse should be most identifying which of these plans and strategies are so basic that there staleness be sunshiny plans to writing them before the orderliness can reach on any of its goals. These are liable to let:

o personnel intellection issues
o activity thought
o men skills plans
o job equity plans
o somebody system empowerment initiatives
o act and antimonopoly communication issues
o pay levels organized to freshman, keep and actuate people
o the co-ordination of approaches to pay and ordering crosswise the orderliness to make encounter and potency anisometric pay claims
o a scoring and remuneration group which is seen as impartial and giving fitting approving for contributions prefab
o wider business issues which consequence on body achievement, retention, act etc.
o a agreeable performance management possibility which is intentional to manage the needs of all sectors of the methodicalness including its fill
o vocation utilisation frameworks which appear at process within the activity at equipping employees with "employability" so that they can act with progressively frequent changes in employer and work patterns
o policies and frameworks to ensure that group employment issues are addressed systematically : ability frameworks, self-managed learning etc.

The HR strategy faculty necessary to pretending that conscientious cerebration of the people issues leave attain it substantially easier for the disposal to accomplish its wider strategic and operative goals.

In acquisition, the HR strategy can add treasure is by ensuring that, in all its additional plans, the system takes story of and plans for changes in the wider environment, which are promising to bonk a major scrap on the disposal, much as:

o changes in the coverall business activity - demographic or remuneration levels
o ethnic changes which module impact on proximo employment patterns
o changes in the employee relations status
o changes in the statutory hypothesis surrounding job
o HR and job exercise state industrial in otherwise organisations, specified as new stretched learning practices.

Object the conservative opportunity to say a circumstance for processing an HR Strategy is crucial to ensuring that there module be operation for the beginning, and that its initial consider gift be recognised by the activity.

Giving a severe realistic angle to the planned strategy may meliorate vantage espousal for the purpose, such as absorption on obedient management training. It is also key to increase "earlier or hurried wins" into any new strategy.

Added opportunities may say the ideal second to encourage the developing of an HR Strategy:-

o a stellar new intrinsical start could say the rightist possibleness to pushing for an concomitant HR strategy, such as a restructuring lesson, a joint acquisition, corporate stake or integration travail.

o a new externally generated initiatory could similarly create the aright condition for a new HR strategy - e.g. Negro efficient empowerment initiatives.

o In some instances, symmetric dissident program may support the "sect moment", for representation, past industrialized spreading or employee dissatisfaction verbalised through a climate survey.

Friday, April 15, 2011

Inplant Training Project Reoprt

SWOT Analysis: -

1. Latest technology use in company.
2. RGI develop firstly because there environment positive & suitable to growth.
3. Biggest PT & CED line.
4. Use the Kaizen policy for the problem solution.

1. No strong management in company.
2. Difficulty in exporting some raw material.

1. New businesses with automobile industry it will improve sales turnover and profitability.
2. Opportunities invariably bring with company competition in every business and industry. And the recent years have seen influx of a large number of players with the result that competition is increasing in the automobile parts industries.
3. To increase the product rang
4. To achieve the zero customer complain
5. To get & achieve international standards.
1. Competition from other company they are also created the competition an Indian presence. The entry of new players in the business has made the automotive sector much more competitive affecting the pressures on margins.
2. A major threat lies in the escalation of raw material prices. Such price hikes are likely to put pressure on prices and could affect margin or demand.
3. Changes in government policy.
4. Entry of big/ large size companies.

Company plans to counter these threats by a stronger focus on reducing costs and increasing efficiency of operations.

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Sunday, March 20, 2011

A Study on Attrition Level in Polymer Company

Attrition is a critical issue and pretty high in the industry these days. It’s the major problem which highlights in all the organizations. Though the term ‘ATTRITION’ is common, many would be at a loss to define what actually Attrition is, “Attrition is said to be the gradual reduction in the number of employees through retirement, resignation or death. It can also be said as Employee Turnover or Employee Defection” Whenever a well-trained and well-adapted employee leaves the organization, it creates a vacuum. So, the organization loses key skills, knowledge and business relationships. Modern managers and personnel administrators are greatly interested in reducing Attrition in the organization, in such a way that it will contribute to the maximum effectiveness, growth, and progress of the organization.

• The success of any manufacturing organization depends largely on the workers, the employees are considered as the backbone of Pondicherry Polymers Private Ltd.

• The attrition rate of the company is 11.4%. So this study focused on why the Attrition occurs and the possible ways to reduce it.

• The study was mainly undertaken to identify the level of employee’s attitude, the dissatisfaction factors they face in the organization and for what reason they prefer to change their job. Once the levels of Employee’s attitude are identified, it would be possible for the management to take necessary action to reduce attrition level. Since they are considered as backbone of the Company, their progression will lead to the success of the Company for the long run.

• This study can be helpful in knowing, why the employees prefer to change their job and which factors make employee dissatisfy.

• Since the study is critical issue, it is needed by the originations in order to asses the overall interest and the feelings of the employees towards their nature of job and organization.

• This study can be helpful to the management to improve its core weaknesses by the suggestions and recommendations prescribed in the project.

• This study can serve as a basis for measuring the organization’s overall performance in terms of employee satisfaction.

• The need of this study can be recognized when the result of the related study need suggestions and recommendations to the similar situation.
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1. The aim of the study is to find whether the grievance handling mechanism ensures that employee’s problems are recognized and appropriately reviewed in a prompt and timely manner.

2. The grievance mechanism acts as a foundation for a harmonious and healthy relationship between employee and employer.

3. The grievance mechanism ensures a fair and just treatment of employee’s concerns and prompt resolution of grievances without discrimination, coercion, restraint or reprisal against any employee who may submit or be involved in a grievance.


Grievance is any discontent or dissatisfaction that affects organizational performance. As such it can be stated or unvoiced, written or oral, legitimate or ridiculous. If the dissatisfaction of employees’ goes unattended or the conditions causing it are not corrected, the irritation is likely to increase and lead to unfavorable attitude towards the management and unhealthy relations in the organization.

The formal mechanism for dealing with such worker’s dissatisfaction is called grievance procedure. All companies whether unionized or not should have established and known grievance methods of processing grievances. The primary value of grievance procedure is that it can assist in minimizing discontent and dissatisfaction that may have adverse effects upon co-operation and productivity. A grievance procedure is necessary in large organization which has numerous personnel and many levels with the result that the manager is unable to keep a check on each individual, or be involved in every aspect of working of the small organization.

The usual steps in grievance procedure are
1. Conference among the aggrieved employee, the supervisor, and the union steward.
2. Conference between middle management and middle union leadership.
3. Conference between top management and top union leadership.
4. Arbitration.

There may be variations in the procedures followed for resolving employee grievances. Variations may result from such factors as organizational or decision-making structures or size of the plant or company. Large organizations do tend to have formal grievance procedures involving succession of steps.
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Sunday, February 20, 2011



Effective recruitment, selection and retention are critical to organizational success. They enable companies to have high performing employees who are satisfied with their jobs, thus contributing positively to the organization.
On the contrary, in-effective recruitment methodology, selection and retention would result in mismatches which can have negative consequences for an organization. A misfit who is not in tune with organization’s philosophies and goals can reduce output, productivity, customer satisfaction, relationship and over all quality of work. Training a wrong hire can also be expensive. Effective recruitment are therefore not only the first step towards organizational excellence, but are important cost control mechanisms as well.

The study researches the spectrum of recruitment methodologies followed in private sector banks towards developing an unique model, propose suggestion that would reduce costs, time to recruit, be effective and help overall organizational (in particular private banks) interests.

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Saturday, February 19, 2011

Job satisfaction and Conflict resolution Project Report

Conflict always arises in the real world — it is unavoidable. It is way in which conflict is handled that makes the difference. A healthy work environment is one that can resolve conflicts peacefully by finding a win-win solution. In many cases, conflict in the workplace just seems to be a fact of life. There are several situations where different people with different goals and needs have come into conflict. And this often-intense personal animosity can result in disaster. In many cases, effective conflict resolution skills can make the difference between positive and negative outcomes. Resolving conflict effectively can lead to personal and professional growth, along with:

• Increased understanding: The discussion needed to resolve conflict expands people's awareness of the situation, giving them an insight into how they can achieve their own goals without undermining those of other people;

• Increased group cohesion: When conflict is resolved effectively, team members can develop stronger mutual respect, and a renewed faith in their ability to work together; and

• Improved self-knowledge: Conflict pushes individuals to examine their goals in close detail, helping them understand the things that are most important to them, sharpening their focus, and enhancing their effectiveness.
However, if conflict is not handled effectively, the results can be damaging. Conflicting goals can quickly turn into personal dislike. Teamwork breaks down. Talent is wasted as people disengage from their work. And it is easy to end up in a vicious downward spiral of negativity and recrimination.

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Sunday, February 13, 2011

Employee Motivation regarding incentive schemes at ONGC Project Report

Incentive Scheme in ONGC has been in existence since late 60’s and with the passage of time has under gone number of reviews. . Keeping the present business scenario in focus ONGC management have realized that scheme has not able to achieve the desired objectives as intended in the scheme.
The main purpose of the scheme is to motivate the employees to achieve the target set by the Organization. , As organization face mounting competition across the world. Companies can’t sustain or even survive in such a relentless environment without attempting to accurately assesses and enhance employee productivity and development.
In view of the above an attempt has been made to compile the details of all incentive scheme in reference to employee working at ONGC. A need is there fore strongly realized for compilation that has been titled as “EMPLOYEE MOTIVATION REGARDING INCENTIVE SCHEMES AT ONGC”.

As the education of future managers would be incomplete without exposure to working in an organization a summer training assignment is as essential requirement for first year of MBA course.

The training report concerns the welfare schemes at ONGC with various recommendations to make effective specially through looking at employees’ satisfaction level.

The study was carried out in Mandore office at JODHPUR. Accordingly the training was concluded (on 14th of august 2008) with recommendations to ONGC as regards certain measures, which can be considered to have better satisfied executives contributing their best for achieving organizational goals.
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Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Socio Economic Conditions of Labour in Tea Estates Project Report

Tea, the most ancient beverage mankind has been enjoying, is still the most popular drink in the world. In India, it is grown in an area of 5.10 Lakh hectare. Since the first auction of Assam Tea made from indigenous plants held in London in 1839, tea plantation in India has been contributing immensely towards the socio economic development of the people of the tea growing regions of the country. Tea industry contributes substantially towards the national and state economy by way of enriching the foreign exchange reservoir and State exchequer besides employment. Today the major tea growing states are Assam, West Bengal, Tripura, Tamil Nadu, Kerala and Karnataka.

It may be observed that about 78 per cent of the country's total area under plantation is located in North East India and Assam accounts for nearly 53 per cent of the all India production. Assam tea is well known for its rich taste and colour.
Being an agricultural plantation crop and a major revenue generator, tea cultivation has become a lucrative profession in the North Eastern region that has very few business opportunities and plays a vital role in improving the socio-economic condition of the region.
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Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Project Report on Effect of Welfare Measures on Employees

The study intends to see the satisfaction level of the employee on the facilities provided by the company and how these welfare measures boost the employee morale.

The study on effect of welfare measure on employee morale gives the management an indication of the level of satisfaction among the employees regarding the general working condition and the other facilities provided by the organization. This helps the management to know the general morale of the employees.

• To study and analyze the safety and welfare measures of the employee.
• To evaluate the effect of the welfare measures on employee morale.
• To evaluate the satisfaction level of employee about the work environment.
• To find the level of satisfaction of employee about the facilities given by the company.

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Friday, January 28, 2011

Project Report on Safety Management

A US $30 billion corporation, the Aditya Birla Group is in the league of Fortune 500. With operations in 25 countries, the Group is anchored by an extraordinary force of 130000 employees, belonging to 30 different nationalities. In India, the Group has been adjudged “The Best Employees in India and among the top 20 in Asia” by the Hewitt-Economic Time and well Street Journal Study 2007. Over 60 percent of its revenues flow from it’s over seas operation.

The Group operates in 25 countries:- India, UK, Germany, Hungary, Brazil, Italy, France, Luxembourg, Switzerland, USA, Australia, Canada, Egypt, China, Thailand, Laos, Indonesia, Philippines, Dubai, Korea, Singapore, Myanmar, Bangladesh, Vietnam, Malaysia.

A metals powerhouse, among the world’s most cost-efficient aluminum and copper producers. Hindalco-Novelis is the largest aluminum rolling company. It is one of the 3 biggest producers of primary aluminum in Asia with the largest single location copper smelter.
=> No.1 in viscose staple fiber.
=> The 4th largest producer of insulators.
=> The 4th largest producer of carbon black.
=> The 11th largest cement producer.
=> Among the world’s top 15 BPO companies and among India’s top 4.
=> Among the best energy efficient fertilizer plant.

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Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Project Report on Performance Appraisal System

Almost every organization in one way or another goes through a periodic ritual, formally or informally, known as performance appraisal. Performance appraisal has been called many things. The formal performance appraisal has been called a tool of management, a control process, an activity and a critical element in human resources allocation. Uses for performance appraisal have included equal employment opportunity considerations, promotions, transfer and salary increases. Primarily performance appraisal has been considered an overall system for controlling an organization. Performance appraisal has also been called an audit function of an organization regarding the performance of individuals, groups and entire divisions.
Performance appraisal may be defined as a structured formal interaction between a subordinate and supervisor, that usually takes the form of a periodic interview (annual or semi-annual), in which the work performance of the subordinate is examined and discussed, with a view to identifying weaknesses and strengths as well as opportunities for improvement and skills development.

Almost every organization in one way or another goes through a periodic ritual, formally or informally, known as performance appraisal. Performance appraisal has been called many things. The formal performance appraisal has been called a tool of management, a control process, an activity and a critical element in human resources allocation. Uses for performance appraisal have included equal employment opportunity considerations, promotions, transfer and salary increases. Primarily performance appraisal has been considered an overall system for controlling an organization. Performance appraisal has also been called an audit function of an organization regarding the performance of individuals, groups and entire divisions.

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Sunday, January 23, 2011

Project Report on Study of Employees Job Satisfaction in Garment Industry


The garment industry occupies a unique place in our country. It accounts for 14% of the total industrial production and contributes nearly 20% of the total exports and is the second largest employment generator after agriculture.

Garment industry is providing one of the basic needs of people and maintained sustained growth for improving quality of life. Its vast potential for creation of employment opportunities on the agricultural, industrial organized and rural and urban areas, particularly for women.

Although the development of garment sector was earlier taking place in terms of general policies. In recognition of its importance of this sector for the first time, a separate policy statement was made in 1985 in regard to development of garment sector. The textile policy of 2000 aims at achieving the target of garment and apparel exports of US $ 50 billion by 2010 of which the share of garment will be US $ 25 billion. The main market for Indian garments are USA, UAE, UK, GERMANY, FRANCE, ITALY, RUSSIA, CANADA, BANGLADESH AND JAPAN.

The main objective of the textile policy 2000 is to provide cloth of acceptable quality at reasonable prices for the vast majority of population of the country and to compete with confidence for an increasing share of the global market.

From the above it is clear that garment occupies a unique position in our economy contributing to nearly a one third of the country’s earnings. The industry includes manufacturers, suppliers, whole sellers and exporters of cotton textiles etc. Today handloom and cotton textile exports in India is counted among the most important sector.

The garment industry in India is widely named for its superb quality garments. Total textile exports during April-march 1998-99 were rs 52720.78 crores. Readymade garment exports comprises nearly 40% of the total exports.

Developing countries with both textile and clothing capacity may be able to prosper in the new competitive environment after the textile quota regime of quantitative import restrictions under the multi-fiber arrangement (MFA) came in to an end on 1st January 2005 under the world trade organization (WTO) agreement on textiles and clothing.

As a result, the garment industry in developed countries will face huge competition in both their exports and domestic markets. The elimination of quota restriction will open the way for the most competitive developing countries to develop stronger clusters of the garment industry which enable them to handle all stages of the production chain from growing natural fibers to producing finished clothing.

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