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Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Transactional Analysis Questionnaire with Interpretation

There is no time limit to this questionnaire. It will probably take around ten minutes to complete. The more spontaneous and honest you can be, the more accurate the results probably will be.
If you agree more than you disagree with a statement, mark a plus (+) in the box.
If you disagree more than you agree, mark a minus (-) in the box.

1. Teenagers would be better off if they tried harder to understand and utilise the experiences of older people.

2. I enjoy fast driving.

3. Generally I manage to keep a calm appearance even when I am all upset inside.

4. There are too few people nowadays with enough courage to stand up for what is right.

5. People who tend to be “Bossy” actually lack self-confidence although they may not realise this.

6. I do not like it when people are not clear about what I say and ask me to repeat.

7. Effective leadership means to enable people to give the best of themselves rather then seek the best for themselves.

8. There is too much sex and violence on TV nowadays.

9. In my opinion, it is healthy to freely discuss sex, bodily functions, intimacy, etc.
10. I find it difficult to stick to a diet, to quit smoking, etc.

11. In my opinion, speed limits should be strongly enforced.

12. Parents tend to be too permissive nowadays.

13. I believe that absolute openness and honesty with others is possible.

14. In my opinion, 95% of the important life decisions are based on feelings.

15. Too many people nowadays allow others to push them around too much.

16. Although most people are not, I seem to be quite comfortable with a long period of silence.

17. I can recall situations where, as a child, other people made me feel ashamed.

18. Sometimes children need to be slapped on the buttocks for their own good.

19. We need more rather than less censorship in the movies, TV, magazines, etc.

20. Even with strangers, I seldom feel bored, impatient or lonely.

21. I know that sometimes I ought to eat and drink less than I do.

22. The good opinion of others is important.

23. My parents encouraged me to explore and learn things for myself.

24. I get uncomfortable when something unexpected happens.

25. Even when one feels life is not worth living, no one is justified in committing suicide.

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Anonymous said...

equal +-

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