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Monday, January 18, 2010

Questionnaire on Job Motivation

Following is a list of questions designed to help identify an applicant’s motivation to do the type of work the position requires. The intent is not to see if they had good motivation/satisfaction in their previous jobs, but to see if the types of things they enjoy doing will be available in this position. For example, if a person said he enjoyed his last job because he liked to work outside and with people doing different things all of the time, a desk job in accounting would probably not provide high satisfaction.

1. What do you like best (least) about your job as a _______________________ ?

2. What were/are your reasons for leaving _________________________________?

3. Give me some examples of experience in your job at ________________that were satisfying? Dissatisfying? Why?

4. What gave you the greatest feeling of achievement in your job at ______________? Why?

5. Give me an example of when you worked the hardest and felt the greatest sense of achievement.

6. All jobs have their frustrations and problems. Describe specific job conditions, tasks, or assignments that have been dissatisfying to you. Why?

7. Give me some examples of past working experience that you have found personally satisfying.

8. What are some recent responsibilities you have taken on? Why did you assume these responsibilities?

9. Tell me about the most boring job or task you have had. Why was it boring? What did you do about it? How did you handle the boredom?

10. Tell me about a time when the duties and responsibilities available in a specific position overlapped with duties and responsibilities that brought you personal satisfaction.

11. Why do you want to be a _____________________________ (title of position)?

12. Why did you choose this (career, type of work)?

13. What job values are important to you?


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