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Monday, January 18, 2010

Questionnaire on Technical or Position Specific

Following is a list of questions designed to gather information relating to an individual’s past work experience, duties, and working conditions which are similar to those of the position for which the individual is being considered.

1. What training have you received in ____________________?

2. Describe how the process can best be performed. Have you discovered any shortcuts? How do they work?

3. Describe your experience with the following tools and equipment. (Interviewer, list job related tool).

4. Walk me through the procedures you would follow to_______________.

5. What equipment have you been trained to operate? When/where did you receive that training?

6. What equipment did you operate in your job at ___________________?

7. Describe your experience performing the following tasks. (Interviewer, list job related tasks).

8. What job experiences have you had that would help you in this position?

9. How do you follow the prescribed standards of safety when performing (task) _________________?

10. Have you ever identified potential malfunctions of equipment? How did you discover the potential malfunction? What did you do to correct the problem?

11. Being a ________________________ certainly requires a lot of technical knowledge. How did you go about getting it? How long did it take you?

12. Do you consider your technical abilities basic, intermediate, or advanced?

13. On a scale of one to ten, ten being you are a perfect technical match or this position, where would you rank yourself?

14. What would you add to or subtract from your technical background to make you more qualified for this position?


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